LS-ISAO New York Workshop

Thursday, April 4th, 2024

Lowenstein Sandler LLP

1251 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10020


The day will begin with a members-only TLP RED session. This means that only LS-ISAO members will be in the room and unless otherwise specified, what is discussed, cannot leave the room. Members can choose or request to downgrade the classification on the information shared, but by default, it will be TLP RED.

Our member session will be followed by presentations covering unleashing AI innovations responsibly, security for legal ops: making frameworks relevant and planning cybersecurity and incident response tabletop exercises to prepare for communication breakdowns and loss of trust.

Stick around after the talks to network with your peers at the happy hour. Registration closes Friday, March 27th

Submit topics for the TLP RED members-only discussion to